Hey there, I'm Dominic St-Pierre. I'm writing Go daily since 2014 and decided to start this podcast where I talk about software engineering as Go developers. I try to invite guests as often as I can.

I'm trying to keep the solo episodes under 20 minutes, ideally 15 minutes. We're all busy, right? Episode where I receive guests range from 45 to 75 minutes.

Latest Episodes

045: Gomponent with Markus Wustenberg

This week I'm joined by Markus Wustenberg, the author of Gomponent, a library that lets you write your HTML directly in Go using a component approach with type safety....

Toying with static analysis of HTML templates

After last episode with Templ maintainers I was really pumped to try Templ and see if it would work for me. Without spoiling too much I believe it would have been easi...

Adrian Hesketh and Joe Davidson on Templ

In this episode Adrian Hesketh and Joe Davidson from Templ joins me and we talk about the what, why, and how of Templ. If you haven't checked it out, Templ helps creat...

042: Gate keeping and teaching of programming with Ramesh Sringeri

Ramesh joins me this week to talk about his experiences teaching programming in Girls who code club and gate keeping that can discourage some people from choosing comp...

041: Speaking at conferences with Matt Boyle

Getting out there, showing what you're currently doing / learning, starting a blog, creating content to help other software engineers, those are all good way to distin...

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