002: Project structure & package name
I talked about project structure and why it's intimidating at first, coming from other languages with established structure & frameworks. However, it's OK not to have the optimal project structure; nothing terrible will happen.
Don't stress too much about having the "proper" project structure to the point where you might over-engineer or be paralyzed by the thought of doing something wrong.
It's just hard, and even 5+ years of Go experience will not ensure you're creating the optimal packages and structure. It's an art mixed with preferences that become a little easier with time but remain challenging.
I wrote a getting started with Go guide that cover a little about project structure and how to get started with Go.
If you're in writing web applications and maybe even SaaS, I have a course on creating API-first SaaS with Go.
It's just hard, and even 5+ years of Go experience will not ensure you're creating the optimal packages and structure. It's an art mixed with preferences that become a little easier with time but remain challenging.
I wrote a getting started with Go guide that cover a little about project structure and how to get started with Go.
If you're in writing web applications and maybe even SaaS, I have a course on creating API-first SaaS with Go.
Creators and Guests

Dominic St-Pierre
Go system builder - entrepreneur. I've been writing software systems since 2001. I love SaaS, building since 2008.