008: The day my Go service got csharpify
I talk about a personal experience where a Go micro-service got csharpify via OOP design pattern and why I think C# / Java developers should approach Go with a much simpler mindset and use Go's design patterns instead of those from the GoF OOP way.
If you'd like to join the dev of StaticBackend a Firebase alternative I'm building in Go you're welcome, there's a discord if you'd want to chat. https://github.com/staticbackendhq/core
If you'd like to checkout my course called Build SaaS apps in Go or want to support this show, that's the best way.
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If you'd like to checkout my course called Build SaaS apps in Go or want to support this show, that's the best way.
If you're on Twitter make sure to follow me: https://twitter.com/dominicstpierre
Creators and Guests

Dominic St-Pierre
Go system builder - entrepreneur. I've been writing software systems since 2001. I love SaaS, building since 2008.